Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bookish Parking Garage in Kansas City

This is the Kansas City Library's central branch parking garage aka the community bookshelf. The "books" are made of signboard mylar, are 25 ft. high and  cover the entire south wall of the garage. The stairwells at either end look like book ends.  Featured are titles popular with Kansas City readers such as Willa Cather's Oh Pioneers, Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, and  The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes.Also included are Ray Bradbury's sci-fi classic, Fahrenheit 451, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn  by Mark Twain and Plato's Republic.  How's that for variety?

Here's another view from Panoramio Hmmmm I wonder if a generation from now people will still be reading old fashioned, printed books?  If not, this will be a really fun historical artifact.  Either way. It's a winner in my opinion. I love it.

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