Saturday, August 6, 2011

The iPhone4 Case That Literally " Gives You A Hand"

Here's something for all of you who have always wanted to hold hands with your  iPhone. Haven't you all just been dreaming of the day?..... no????? oh, well.

It's pretty creepy, I know, but then so are some iPhone users-- and there are practical advantages..... Just think how much less likely you'll be to drop your phone if you are holding it by a lifelike silicone replica of a child's hand..... and talk about getting attention-- wow.  Hey it can hold your pen and glasses too. Talk about a phone that "comes in handy" ( sorry, couldn't resist)

Not convinced?  Think of it as the perfect birthday gift for your ex, or a great Christmas present for the office Secret Santa thing this year.   Or how about for that special someone at Halloween? Who could resist a lifelike, severed, silicone hand hmmmmmmmm?  Those folks at Dokkiri are pure genius.  What will they think of next?  Ewwwwwwwww.

Now, I know you want to know where to get yours ( yeah you do).  Well, the bad news is they won't be available till mid-September, but, the good news is  you can pre-order now.   The cost?  about $US65.00.  The attention getting, ick factor? Priceless!!!


Unknown said...

My mother had a saying that is more than apropos for this product, "A fool and their money are soon parted."

Unknown said...

hahaha you mean you don't want an iPhone case that can double as a back scratcher????

Ahab said...

:: screams ::

Unknown said...

mwahahahaha :-)

Ahab said...

Ah, Tom Lehrer of "Poisoning Pidgeons in the Park" and "Masochism Tango" fame. We now have a theme song for this product!

Unknown said...

we do indeed :-)