Saturday, December 12, 2009

All Hail The Bacon Queen

Heads up, Baconistas. Amy, the undisputed bacon queen of the internet, has just had a brilliant idea. She's put together a news aggregation site, a portal, a repository of baconalia, a treasure trove of bacon lore, that all self respecting bacon lovers should bookmark and visit on a daily basis.  Tah Dah-- Introducing ...

 If you've got a bacon obsession, this is the spot for you -- you've got daily updates and RSS feeds of bacon news from everywhere, plus bacon blogs, bacon products, bacon recipes, bacon videos, bacon photos--links to just about everything bacon in the world in one place-- how cool is that?

To top it all off, she's running contests and giving away prizes of you-know-what. Right now, the right bacon haiku could win you discount coupons for your favorite porcine treat. So hie yourself on over to  The Bacon Queen and have a look.  You won't be sorry.

Happy Bacon Everyone and  all hail Amy, the bacon queen.


Susan said...

This makes me sad. I adore bacon but damn - can't eat 'em anymore. At some point you've got to see who it is you're eating and say, "What gives me the right to eat a sentient being."
Yeah, that puts me in the ranks of the "nut jobs". But still...

Susan said...

maybe this link will work. Really - how cute is this guy?

Susan said...

ha ha - here's another - this little guy does dog tricks. See my dilemma?
So it's easier to just give up the bacon for me.

Unknown said...

ah Susan-- I do see your dilemma and believe it or not I respect those who choose not to eat meat for ethical reasons and assume that they will also respect my choice to be a carnivore and I certainly don't think of most vegetarians or evan vegans as nutjobs.

I always find the dynamics of meat eating interesting. I have no trouble, for example, eating even cute little pigs-- I don't really think of them as anything but bacon on the hoof. On the other hand I don't think I could eat a cat or a dog or even a canary, because I think of these animals in a whole different way-- they are pets not meat-- they have names and are part of the family not part of my food chain. Yet in other parts of the world, dogs and cats are livestock and are butchered and sold as meat and I guess people in those cultures think of them the way I think of beef cattle or pigs. Funny, isn'r it?

Thanks for all three comments and for the videos-- loved them.

JamaGenie said...

When you get right down to it, *everything* we eat is or was "alive" at some point. Vegetables, cereal - even the vegan favorite, tofu. I can't quite...excuse the expression...stomach deep-fried bacon, but DO love bacon on a hamburger or with eggs. So oink, oink. Good one, PPr. Thanks!